№ | Publications | Journals | Authors/Co-authors of VRTC |
I | Publications in ISI, Scopus journals | ||
Modified coprecipitation synthesis of Nickel-Rich NMC (Li1.0Ni0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2) for lithium-ion batteries: a simple, cost-effective, environmentally friendly method | ACS Omega, 2023, 8 (48), 45414-45427 | Le Thi Thao, Phan Van Truong, Nguyen Van Bo | |
N-[(1RS)-Camphan-2-ylidene]-4-ethoxyaniline and its reduction product as stabilizers of nitrile butadiene rubbers | Tonkie Khimicheskie Tekhnologii. - 2024. - Т. 19, № 4. - C. 360-371 | Dang Minh Thuy | |
Predictive ecological niche model for Cinnamomum parthenoxylon (Jack) Meisn. (Lauraceae) from Last Glacial Maximum to future in Vietnam | Biodiversity Data Journal, 2024, 12, e122325 | Pham Mai Phuong, Vu Dinh Duy | |
Habitat suitability and conserving Tacca chantrieri André, a case study in Ba Vi Natural Park, Vietnam | Biology Bulletin, 2023, 50(10): 2861-2871 | Pham Mai Phuong, Vu Dinh Duy, Nguyen Quoc Khanh | |
Characterisation of the Cinnamomum parthenoxylon (Jack) Meisn (Lauraceae) transcriptome using Illumina paired-end sequencing and EST-SSR markers development for population genetics | Biodiversity Data Journal 2024, 12, e123405 | Pham Mai Phuong, Vu Dinh Duy | |
Microsatellite markers reveal genetic diversity and population genetic structure of the threatened Martaban camphor [Cinnamomum parthenoxylon (Jack) Meisn] | Biologia Plantarum (2024) 68: 87-96 | Pham Mai Phuong, Vu Dinh Duy | |
Identification and genetic diversity analysis of Cinnamomum parthenoxylon (Jack) Meisn species in Song Hinh Protection Forest, Vietnam based on three chloroplast gene regions | Biomed Biotechnol Res J 2024;8:415-21 |
Vu Dinh Duy, Pham Mai Phuong, Dang Ngoc Huyen, Le Xuan Dac, Dang Hung Cuong, Nguyen Huu Thuc, Nguyen Dang Hoi | |
Addition to the myxomycete biota of Vietnam | I. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii, 2024, 58(1): F1-35 | Pham Thi Ha Giang | |
New data on Boletaceae (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) from Central Vietnam with description of two new species and creation of a new combination based on morphological and phylogenetic evidence | Journal of Fungi, 2024, 10(3), 223 | Pham Thi Ha Giang | |
Coniolepiota alexandri (Agaricaceae, Basidiomycota), a new species in the formerly monotypic genus and a new record of C. spongodes, from Vietnam | Phytotaxa, 2024, 672 (3): 267-276 | Pham Thi Ha Giang | |
Myxomycete diversity of deciduous dry lowland forests of the Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve (Vietnam) revealed by moist chamber cultures | Protistology 18 (3): 189-211 (2024) | Pham Thi Ha Giang | |
The problem of reforestation of woody vegetation of moutain ranges of Kon Chu Rang nature reserve (Vietnam) | Siberian Journal of Life and Agriculture, 2024, 16(3): 443-473 | Nguyen Dang Hoi, Dang Hung Cuong, Tran Thi Thanh Huong | |
Typhlomys taxuansis (Rodentia, Platacanthomyidae): new species of the genus from northern Vietnam with notes on conservation status and distribution | Biodiversity data journal, 2024, 12.e133363 | Bui Xuan Phuong | |
Thismia papillata (Thismiaceae), a new species from northern Vietnam | Phytotaxa, 655(3):261-271 | Le Xuan Dac | |
A new species of green pitviper of the Trimeresurus macrops complex (Reptilia: Serpentes: Viperidae) from South Central Coastal Region of Vietnam | Zootaxa, 5474(4):375-411 | Le Xuan Dac | |
Analysis of the mangrove structure in the Dong Rui commune based on multispectral unmanned aerial vehicle image data | Geography, Environment Sustainability 2023 4(16), 14-25 | Ngo Trung Dung, Nguyen Quoc Khanh, Nguyen Dang Hoi, Dang Hung Cuong | |
Assessing the characteristics and seasonal changes of mangrove forest in Dong Rui commune, Quang Ninh province, Vietnam based on multispectral UAV data | Landscape and Ecological Engineering 2024, Vol 20, 223 - 235 | Ngo Trung Dung | |
The application of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery to construct a model to estimate the concentration of Chlorophyll-a in surface water in the Hinh River basin, Vietnam | Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 2024, 10, 5813-5829 | Ngo Trung Dung, Nguyen Quoc Khanh, Nguyen Dang Hoi, Nguyen Thi Chinh, Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Tran Thi Nhan | |
Mapping tree species of wetlands using multispectral images of UAVs and machine learning: A case study of the Dong Rui Commune | Heliyon 2024, Vol 10, e35159 | Ngo Trung Dung | |
Landscape dynamics and environmental fragility zoning in Hinh River Basin: Insights for protecting natural ecosystems | One Ecosystem 2024, Vol 9, e134088 | Nguyen Quoc Khanh, Pham Mai Phuong, Ngo Trung Dung, Dinh Vu Anh Tu | |
Protocol for establishing a map of mangrove species distribution using multispectral unmanned aerial vehicle data | STAR protocols 2024, (4), 5, 103425 | Ngo Trung Dung | |
The influence of cultivation conditions on the testate amoeba Arcella gibbosa: a perspective model for ecotoxicological studies | Limnology 2024 | Nguyen Thi Chinh, Tran Quoc Hoan | |
Diversity and distribution of large centipedes (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha) in Nui Chua National Park, Vietnam | Journal of Threatened Taxa 16(8): 25742-25747 | Le Xuan Son, Do Tat Thinh, Nguyen Huu Thuc | |
Aspidistra tripartita (Asparagaceae, Convallarioideae), a new species from Vietnam | Phytotaxa 666 (1): 042-050 | Le Xuan Son | |
Multiple lines of evidence for a new cryptic species of Tylototriton (Amphibia, Salamandridae) from northern Vietnam | Alytes, 2024, 41(1-4): 56-98 | Le Xuan Son, Le Xuan Dac | |
Mallomonas rimosa sp. nov. (Synurales, Chrysophyceae) - a rare tropical species from Vietnam | Phytotaxa, 630(4): 295-300 | Tran Quoc Hoan | |
Mallomonas gemina comb. et stat. nov. (Synurales, Chrysophyceae) - a new combination based on molecular studies | Phytotaxa, 665(3): 221-232 | Tran Quoc Hoan | |
Chitons of the genus Cryptoplax (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from the Spratly Islands, South China Sea | Zootaxa 5492 (1): 052-070 | Nguyen Tai Tu | |
Notes on the morphology, distribution and bionomics of Phyllodiscus semoni (Anthozoa: Actiniaria: Aliciidae) | Zoosystematica Rossica, 32(2): 331-341 | Do Huu Quyet | |
Antibiotic resistance patterns of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), Salmonella, Shigella and Staphylococcus aureus isolated in two communal kitchens located in Hanoi City, Vietnam | Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections 2023, (4), 84-90 | Le Thi Lan Anh, Vu Thi Thuong, Bui Thi Thanh Nga, Pham Viet Hung, Nguyen Ngoc Tan, Hoang Dang Hieu | |
Detection of Rickettsia species in rodents collected in the Northern provinces of Vietnam, 2020-2022 | Problems of Particularly Dangerous Infections. 2024, (1), 162-167 | Trinh Van Toan, Vo Viet Cuong, Nguyen Ngoc Tan, Pham Viet Hung, Le Thi Lan Anh | |
Leptospira infection in bats in Vietnam | Acta Tropica 2024, (257),107298 | Le Thi Lan Anh, Dao Nguyen Manh, Bui Thi Thu Nga, Luong Thi Mo, Nguyen Ngoc Tan | |
Synthesis of hybrid compounds containing tetraoxane and triazole or imidazole moieties and their fungicidal activity | Russian Chemical BuBulletin, Volume 73, pages 1312-1320, (2024) | Tran Thanh Tuan, Dao Nguyen Manh | |
Temporal, spatial, and seasonal variations in airborne PCDD/F and dl-PCB concentrations around Bien Hoa hot spot, Vietnam, and health risk assessments | Chemosphere 364 (2024) 143238 | Trinh Khac Sau | |
Temporal variations in airborne PCDD/F and dl‑PCB concentrations surrounding the dioxin‑remediated areas in Da Nang, Vietnam, and health risk assessments | Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 31, pages 56130-56139, (2024) | Trinh Khac Sau | |
Structure of some diseases and health risks for people residing in surrounding areas previously contained herbicides/dioxin | Health Risk Analysis, 2024, no. 2, pp. 53-62 | Trinh Khac Sau, Le Van Quang | |
Investigation on ratios of some common diseases and health risks relating to dioxin exposure in Da Nang, Vietnam | Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR), 8(6), 7566-7574 | Trinh Khac Sau, Le Van Quang | |
Relationship of professional success and development of cognitive mental processes and personal qualities of Vietnam Naval specialists | Vestnik Rossijskoj Voenno-Medicinskoj Akademii, Vol 26, No 1 (2024), 7-14 | Bui Thi Huong, Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh, Nguyen Hong Quang | |
State of body functions of submarines of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam before a short sea trip | Vestnik Rossijskoj Voenno-Medicinskoj Akademii, Vol 26, No 3 (2024) | Bui Thi Huong, Nguyen Thi Thuy Linh, Nguyen Hong Quang, Nguyen Mau Thach | |
Assessment of the mineralization process efficiency to decompose waste of dry bio-toilet of Bio-NTK microbial inoculants | Biology Bulletin, 2023, Vol. 50, No. 10, pp. 2872-2880 | Do Thi Tuyen, Dang Thi Hong Phuong, Le Van Thang | |
Efficient photocatalytic remediation of persistent organic pollutants using magnetically recoverable spinel manganese ferrite nanoparticles supported on activated carbon | Materials Research Bulletin 2024, 178, 112913 | Le Bao Hung, Nghiem Xuan Truong, Nguyen Kim Thuy | |
Unveling respiratory health risks: PCDD/Fs adhering to particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) in Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai, Viet Nam | Environmetal advances 2024, 17, 100560 | Nguyen Thanh Tuan, Bui Duy Linh, Nguyen Duc Thang, Nguyen Thi Thu Ly, Nguyen Thi Thu | |
Synthesis of magnetic Fe3O4/graphene aerogel for the removal of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicide from water | RSC Advances 2024, 14, 22304-22311 | Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Nguyen Kim Thuy, Le Bao Hung, Nghiem Xuan Truong, Nguyen Thi Hoai Phuong | |
Coconut dust extract as a pitting corrosion inhibitor for reinforcing steel in concrete in the presence of chlorides | International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition 2024, 13(3), 1571-1589 | Cao Nhat Linh, Nguyen Van Chi, Nguyen Duc Anh, Nguyen Nhu Hung | |
Assessing the efficacy of IFKhAN-80 as a migrating corrosion inhibitor for reinforcing steel in new and chloride-contaminated concrete via polarization resistance method | International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition 2024,13(4), 2007-2021 | Cao Nhat Linh, Nguyen Van Chi, Le Thi My Hiep, Nguyen Duc Anh, Dong Van Kien, Tran Van Tuan | |
Phylogenetic and genetic diversity of Serranidae species from the South China Sea based on COI sequbased | AACL Bioflux, 2024, 17, 2175-2188 | Vu Quyet Thanh | |
Description of the new species Mallomonas limbata sp. nov. (Synurales, Chrysophyceae) from water bodies of Vietnam | Inland Water Biology, 2024, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 82-89 | Nguyen Thi Lan | |
The diversity of commercial marine bivalves in the Nha Phu lagoon, Khanh Hoa province, South-Central Vietnam | Зоологический Журнал, 2024, том 103, № 4, с. 3-21 | Nguyen Thi Lan, Phan Trong Huan | |
Phylogenetic analysis of Ellipsomyxa species (Myxosporea) and description of Ellipsomyxa gordeyi n. sp. from the gall bladder of mullets (Mugiliformes: Mugilidae) in Nha Trang Bay of the East Sea, Vietnam | Parasitology International, 102 (2024) 102918 | Vo Thi Ha | |
Metazoan parasite fauna of grey mullet (Mugilidae) from the coastal waters of Vietnam | Parasitology International, 104 (2025) 102975 | Vo Thi Ha | |
The infestation status of symbiotic crustaceans on the swimming crab Charybdis truncata (Fabricius, 1798) from Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam (the East Sea) | Marin Biological Journal, 2024, 9 (02), 58-71 | Le Thi Kieu Oanh, Vo Thi Ha, Nguyen Phuong Lien | |
Olfactory organ of Anemonefishes of the genus Amphiprion | Journal of Ichthyology 2024, 64 (01), 39-55 | Le Thi Kieu Oanh | |
Reproductive parameters and sex cell ultrastructure in cinnabar goatfish parupeneus heptacanthus (Mullidae) from the Coastal Zone of Nha Trang (Vietnam) | Journal of Ichthyology, 2024, 64 (04), 678-688 | Dinh Thi Hai Yen | |
Shell shape variation of the symbiotic gastropod Phenacovolva rosea (Ovulidae) in Vietnam | Ruthenica, 2024, 34 (03), 99-109 | Dinh Thi Hai Yen, Nguyen Tai Tu | |
Are the symbiont faunas of the venomous echinoids Toxopneustes pileolus and Tripneustes gratilla (Echinoidea, Toxopneustidae) similar? | Symbiosis, August 2024, 93(3):285-296 | Nguyen Thi Hai Thanh | |
Seasonal bleaching and partial mortality of Pocillopora verrucosa corals of the coast of central Vietnam | Frontiers in Marine Science, 13 February 2024 | Nguyen Thi Hai Thanh | |
Fauna of Anemonefishes (Pomacentridae, Amphiprioninae) and their host sea anemones (Cnidaria, Actiniaria) of the Hon Rom Coral Reefs (Southern Central Vietnam, Nha Trang Bay) and its changes for the period from 2003 to 2018 | Journal of Ichthyology, 2024, Vol. 64, No. 3, pp. 424-437 | Nguyen Thi Hai Thanh | |
Are there Atlantic species of the genus Trachinotus (Carangidae), T. falcatus and T. ovatus, in Asian Mariculture? | Journal of Ichthyology, October 2024, 64(5):854-863 | Nguyen Thi Hai Thanh | |
First record of tropical myzostomid population size structure and host infestation using the example of Myzostoma khanhkhoaensis | Biologia, Volume 79, pages 2143-2150, (2024) | Nguyen Thi Hai Thanh | |
Новый вид рода Mallomonas секции Ouradiotae (Chrysophyceae, Synurales) из водоемов Вьетнама | Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 58(2): A19-A32. 2024 | Nguyen Thi Hai Thanh | |
Early Development of Monodactylus argenteus (Monodactylidae) from coastal waters of central Vietnam, identified with DNA barcoding | Journal of IchthyologyJanuary 2024, Vol. 64, No. 6, pp. 1055-1066 | Nguyen Thi Hai Thanh | |
An unusual species of the genus Pseudohalmyrapseudes Larsen & Hansknecht, 2004 (Tanaidacea: Parapseudidae) from the mangrove swamps of the Cần Giờ Biosphere Reserve, South Vietnam | Zootaxa, 2024, 5433 (3): 373-388 | Nguyen Van Thinh | |
A new species of the genus Ctenapseudes Bamber, Ariyananda et Silva, 1997 (Tanaidacea: Parapseudidae) from the Cần Giờ mangrove area in South Vietnam | Arthropoda Selecta 33(2): 193-206 | Nguyen Van Thinh | |
Biogeochemical migration of some rare elements in the “Leaf Debris-Soil” system of the catenary landscapes in tropical mountainous forests in Southern Vietnam | Forests 2024, 15(7), 1251 | Nguyen Van Thinh | |
Meteorological characteristics of the Mekong Delta in the period of 2014-2020 | Ecosystem Transformation, 2024, 7 (1), 52-69 | Le Thi Hong Tham, Nguyen Van Thinh, Cu Nguyen Dinh, Truong Ba Hai, Duong Thi Kim Chi, Nguyen Trung Duc | |
Features of Biology of Tonlesapia tsukawakii (Actinopterygii, Callionymidae) in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam | Journal of Ichthyology 64(1):99-107. 2024 | Cu Nguyen Dinh, Duong Thi Kim Chi, | |
A new species of the genus Ovalona Van Damme & Dumont, 2008 (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Chydoridae) from South-East Asia, related to Australian Ovalona archeri (Sars, 1888) | Zootaxa 5448(2):273-282. 2024 | Cu Nguyen Dinh | |
Peculiarities of Microplastic Accumulation in Fish and Crustaceans of the Mekong Delta (Vietnam) | Inland Water Biology 17(2): 327-335. 2024 | Cu Nguyen Dinh | |
Redescription of Ilyocryptus raridentatus Smirnov, 1989 (Cladocera: Ilyocryptidae) | Zootaxa 5468(2): 331-349. 2024 | Cu Nguyen Dinh | |
Species distribution ranges of Ilyocryptus Sars, 1862 (Cladocera: Ilyocryptidae) fit the transitional zone between boreal and tropical provinces in the Far East | Zootaxa 5471(2): 232-240. 2024 | Cu Nguyen Dinh, Tran Van Tien | |
Macrozoobenthos of the Mekong River Delta under conditions of extremely low water | Inland Water Biology 29. 2024 | Cu Nguyen Dinh, Tran Van Tien | |
Distribution of some commercially valuable fishes (Pangasiidae, Polynemidae, Sciaenidae) in the Mekong Delta (Southern Vietnam) and role of the estuaries in their life cycle | Journal of Ichthyology2024, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 629-635 | Cu Nguyen Dinh, Truong Ba Hai, Le Quang Man, Duong Thi Kim Chi | |
Investigation of the synergistic effect of anodic and cathodic contact inhibitors in steel corrosion protection | Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., 2024, 13 (02),1043 | Hoang Duc Quang, Vu Van Huy | |
Formation of superhydrophobic coatings based on dispersion compositions of hexyl methacrylate copolymers with glycidyl methacrylate and silica nanoparticles | Polymer 2024, 16, 3094 | Le Duc Manh | |
Hydrocarbon composition characteristics of river bottom sediments in the region of high and low tides influence (exemplified by Ca Gau and Long Tau rivers, Can Gio biosphere, Viet Nam) | GMSARN (Greater Mekong Subregion Academic And Research Network) International journal, June 2024. Volume 18, Number 2. P. 189-199 | Nguyen Trong Hiep | |
Dissolved and particulate metals and metaloids in the eastern Mekong Delta, Vietnam | Marine Pollution Bulletin. 1879-3363. Volume 206, September 2024 | Nguyen Trong Hiep | |
The integrated UASB and Aerotank system for treatment rice paper wastewater, case study in Phu Hoa Dong rural, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Water Conserv Sci Eng 9, 77 (2024) | Nguyen Trong Hiep, Vu Thi Minh Chau | |
Biodiversity and Conservation, 2024, 33 (14), 4371- 4386 | A.A. Kudrin, Nguyen Trung Duc | ||
Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, Volume advance articles (Issues 2024): pages 1-13 | Nguyen Van Quy, Vu Manh, Nguyen Van Linh, Nguyen Thi Van | ||
Microstructure characterization and sliding wear behaviour of HVOF sprayed tungsten carbide: 12% cobalt and chromium carbide: 25% nickel chromium coatings | Springer Innovations in Communication and ComputingSpringer pp. 329-341 | Ngo Thanh Binh, Vu Van Huy | |
Optimization effects of HVOF process parameters on the qualities of WC-20Cr3C2-7Ni coating using the taguchi method and grey relational analysis | Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing Springer pp. 375-390 | Ngo Thanh Binh | |
II | Publications in VAK, RSCI journals |
Исследование химической стойкости оксохлоридных свинцово-боратных стекол, активированных неодимом, и стабильности их люминесцентных свойств в климатических условиях Юго-Восточной Азии | Стекло и керамика, 2024, Vol. 97 (2), стр. 3-10 | Do Dinh Trung, Ta Thu Trang | |
Epidemiological features of the bio-and geohelminthiasis spread in villages Kim Mi and Kim Hai, region Kim Son, province Ninh Binh, Viet Nam (as the results of 2022 year expedition) | Medical parasitology and parasitic diseases 2023 | Bui ThiThanh Nga, Pham Viet Hung, Vu Thi Thuong | |
Психофизиологические особенности динамики групповых показателей артериального давления и сложной сенсомоторной реакции при оценке профессионального здоровья летного состава | Человеческий фактор социальный психолог, 2024, Vol 52, No 4, Pp156-166 | Nguyen Hong Quang | |
Влияние разведения лобстеров в заливе Суан Дай, провинции Фуйен на социально-экономическую и экологическую обстановку | Научное обозрение: теория и практика. 2023. Т. 13. Вып. 4 (98). С. 540-548 | Nguyen Thi Lan, Nguyen Phuong Lien, Phan Trong Huan, Hoang Ngoc Lam, Vu Viet Dung | |
Одностадийный способ получения супергидрофобных покрытий, содержащих частицы наполнителя | ИЗВЕСТИЯ ВолгГТУ (№ 12. 2023, p. 61-69) | Le Duc Manh |