



Publications in ISI, Scopus journals

Polyborosiloxanes (PBS): Evolution of approaches to the synthesis and the prospects of their application

Fedor V. Drozdov, Elizaveta A. Manokhina, Tran D. Vu and Aziz M. Muzafarov

Polymers 2022, 14(22), 4824


Investigation of corrosion and wear resistance of PEO coated D16T aluminium alloys in the marine tropical climate conditions

Phan Van Truong, Nguyen Van Bo, Nguyen Van Minh, Nguyen Viet Anh, GovindanSuresh Kumar, Mohd.Shkir

Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 290, 15 October 2022, 126587


Research on the aging mechanism of polyureabased coatings due to effects of UV radiation exposure.

Dang Minh Thuy, Nguyen Van Vinh, Nguyen Thi Hong Ngoc, Ha Minh Ngoc

Eurasian Chem. Commun. 4 (2022) 1138-1146


Luminescent properties of organic-inoganic hybrid films fabricated by capillary coating technique.

Marina Zykova, Kristina Runina, Lidia Popkova, Olga Petrova, Artem Barkanov, Dinh Trung Do, Thu Trang Ta, Van Luong Nguyen, Andrew Khomyakov, Igor Avetissov & Roman Avetisov

Applied physics A: Materials science and processing. March 2022,  pp. 128 - 240


Seroprevalence of Borrelia, Rickettsia and Hantaviruses in North Vietnam

O.Stukolova, L.A. LeThi, M.Makenov, M.Sokolova, O.Strelnikova, E.Raduk, B.T. Thanh Nga, M.Dao, T.Nguyen, C.Nguyen, L.Karan

International Journal of Infectious Diseases

Volume 116, Supplement, March 2022, Page S126


Antimicrobial Activity and Sorption Behavior of Al2O3/Ag Nanocomposites Produced with the Water Oxidation of Bimetallic Al/Ag Nanoparticles

Sergey O Kazantsev, Olga V Bakina, Aleksandr V Pervikov, Nikolay G Rodkevich, Nguyen Hong Quang, Lan Anh Le Thi, Sergei S Timofeev, Aleksandr S Lozhkomoev

Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 3888


Genetic and morphological diversity of vietnamese population of Burkholderia thailandensis

I. B. Zakharova, K. V. Vasilyeva, L. A. T. Bui, A. D. Victorov, I. M. Shpak & D.V. Viktorov

Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology volume 37, pages 34–46 (2022)


Addition to the Flea Fauna of Vietnam

A. M. Porshakov, M. G. Korneev, E. A. Chumachkova, Nguyen Van Chau, Thinh Van Toan & Vo Viet Cuong

Entomological Review, march 2022, volume 101, pages 1287–1292


Irritable bowel syndrome therapy in Vietnam with probiotic enterococci

Е. И. Ермоленко,   М. П. Котылева,   А. Н. Цапиева, А. Б. Карасева, Тхи Лан Ань Буй,   А. Н. Суворов

Experimental & clinical gastroenterology | № 196 (12) 2021


Hepatitis E virus seroprevalence in indigenous residents of the Hà Giang northern province of Vietnam

Lichnaia E.V., Pham T.G., Petrova O.A., Tran T.N., Nguyen T.T., Bui T.N., Vo V.C., Dmitriev A.V., Kalinina O.V.

Russian Journal of Infection and Immunity 11(4):692-700


Genetic diversity and population structure of Cinnamomum balansae Lecomte inferred by microsatellites

Vu Đinh Duy, Pham Mai Phuong, Dinh Giap Vu, Thi Tuyet Xuan Bui, Siddiq Ur Rahman, Minh Tam Nguyen, Van Sinh Nguyen, Syed Noor Muhammad Shah, Viet Ha Tran

Open Life Sciences 2022; 17: 323–332


Neighbor trees and habitat suitability of Cinnamomum balansae Lecomte in North Central Coast and Northern Vietnam

Tai Tien Dinh, Mai Phuong Pham, Quoc Khanh Nguyen, Thi Tuyet Xuan Bui, Van Sinh Nguyen, Dinh Duy Vu, Quang Bao Tran, Vien Nguyen & Nguyen Thanh Tuan

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment volume 8, pages5327–5336 (2022)


Genetic diversity and populations structure of the endangered species Cunninghamia konishii Hayata in Vietnam using SSR molecular markers

Mai Phuong Pham and Dinh Duy Vu

Res. J. Biotech.; Vol. 17(4); 76-83


Characteristics habitat and molecular identity of Calophyllum inophyllum L. (Calophyllaceae) in Spratly Islands, Vietnam

Pham Mai-Phuong, Le Xuan Dac, Nguyen Duy Liem and Vu Dinh Duy

Res. J. Biotech.; Vol. 17(6); 149-157


HULLETTIA King ex Hook. (Moraceae), A newly recorded genus to the Flora of Vietnam, with its lectotypification and a revised key to Vietnamese Moraceae.

Bui Van Huong, Vu Dinh Duy, Phạm Mai Phương

Van Hai Do, Hoang Son Doan, Van Thanh Bui, Ngoc Anh Luu Dam, Ba Vuong Truong, Elliot M. Gardner.

Phytotaxa, 2022, 550 (3): 272–278


Hortiboletus rupicapreus Svetash., A.V. Alexandrova, O.V. Morozova & T.H.G. Pham, sp. nov.

Svetash,  P.T.H Giang,

Alexandrova, O.V. Morozova.

Sydowia (Fungal Systematics and Evolution: FUSE 8)


Four new species of Entoloma (Entolomataceae, Agaricomycetes) subgenera Cyanula and Claudopus from Vietnam and their phylogenetic position

Olga Morozova

P.T.H Giang,  Popov, E., Alexandrova, A.,  Noordeloos, M. E.

 Phytotaxa, June 2022, Vol. 549, No. 1: 2


Soil Actinomycetes of Vietnam Tropical Forests

Yuliya A. Dorchenkova, Tatiana A. Gracheva, Tamara L. Babich, Diyana Sh. Sokolova, Alina V. Alexandrova, Giang T. H. Pham, Lyudmila V. Lysak, Alla V. Golovchenko and Natalia A. Manucharova

Forests 2022, 13(11), 1863


Two new species of Meiogyne (Annonaceae) from Vietnam, based on molecular phylogeny and morphology

Tharin Jaikhamseub

Tran Thi Thanh Hương,

Tuan Anh Le, Anissara Damthongdee,  Andrey N. Kuznetsov, Svetlana P. Kuznetsova, Maxim S. Nuraliev, Tanawat Chaowasku

Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board, Annales Botanici Fennici, 2022, 59(1): 219-231


Species diversity and distribution of large centipedes (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha) from the biosphere reserve of the western Nghe An Province, Vietnam

Son X.Le, Thuc H.Nguyen, Thinh T.Do, Binh T.T.Tran

Journal of Threatened Taxa, August 2022 | 14(8): 21710–21714


Spatial Distribution Patterns and Associations of Woody Plant Species in the Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forests in Central Vietnam.

Phạm Mai Phương

Van Quy Nguyen, Huong T. M. Nguyen, Thanh Tuan Nguyen, Thanh Ha Pham.

Biology Bulletin volume 49, pages369–380 (2022)


Investigation of the vegetation coverage dynamics and the frequent occurrence of dominant species on coral islands in the Truong Sa Islands, Vietnam

Mai-Phuong Pham, Le Xuan Dac, Bui Van Thanh, Vu Dinh Duy, Tran Thi Thanh Huong, Dang Ngoc Huyen, Nguyen Quoc Khanh, Trinh Le Hung, Nguyen Thi Xuan, Nguyen Vu Giang, Tran Xuan Bien & Nguyen Dang Hoi

Biology Bulletin (2022)


Ecology of testate amoebae in waterbodies of the Central Highlands and South-Central Coast provinces of Vietnam with the description of new species Difflugia quangtrani sp. Nov

Hoan Q.Tran, Van T.H.Tran, Olga N.Zagumyonnayа, Denis V.Tikhonenkov

European Journal of Protistology, Volume 86, October 2022, 125933


New data on morphology, distribution, and relationship of two Asian endemics Netzelia tuberspinifera and Netzelia mulanensis (Amoebozoa: Arcellinida) co-existing in the largest natural freshwater lake of Vietnam

Hoan Q. Tran, Van T. H. Tran, Chinh T. Nguyen, Oanh T. K. Nguyen, Thinh T. Do, Hung N. Le & Denis V. Tikhonenkov

Limnology volume 23, pages327–335 (2022)


Studies on Algae from the Order Synurales (Chrysophyceae) in Northern Vietnam

Evgeniy Gusev, Nikita Martynenko and Hoan Tran

Diversity 2021, 13(11), 602


Research Article: Otolith shape utilization for the stock identification of Caroun croaker, Johnius carouna (Cuvier, 1830) (Perciformes: Sciaenidae), from the east Vietnam sea

Q.T. Vu, V.D. Tran, V.Q. Nguyen

Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 2022, 21(4) 864-879


One more new species of the genus Acanthochitona (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from the Spratly Islands

B.I. Sirenko & N. Tai-Tu

Zoosystematica Rossica, 2022, 31(2): 169–175


Глубоководное обнаружение анемоновой рыбы Amphiprion frenatus (Pomacentridae,
Amphiprioninae) в симбиозе с актинией Entacmaea quadricolor (Cnidaria, Actiniaria)
на рифах архипелага Спратли (Южно-Китайское море)

Д. А. Астахов

Hong Thi Thuy Duong,

О. В. Савинкин, С. Д. Гребельный

Вопросы Ихтиологии. Том: 62, Номер: 6, Год: 2022.


Evaluation of land cover changes and secondary ecological succession of typical agroforestry landscapes in Phu Yen Province

Nguyen Dang Hoi, Ngo Trung Dung

Forest and Society
Vol. 6(1): 1-19, April 2022


Establishing distribution maps and structural analysis of seagrass communities based on high-resolution remote sensing images and field surveys: A case study at  Nam Yet Island, Truong Sa Archipelago, Vietnam

Dang Hoi Nguyen, Trung Dung Ngo, Viet Dung Vu & Quan Vu Viet Du

Landscape Ecol Eng 18, 405–419 (2022)


Classification and mapping of marine-island landscape in Nam Yet Island, Truong Sa Islands, Vietnam

Nguyen Dang Hoi, Ngo Trung Dung, Kuznetsov A.N., Vu Le Phuong

Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences, 1-21


Evaluation of genetic diversity and origin of song ma village dogs in Vietnam

Xuan Phuong Bui, Thanh Hai Pham, Huu Coi Tran, Thanh Tung Phung, Quang Duc Ngo, The Dung Dinh, Quang Toan Dam, Dinh Duy Vu

Biomedical and Biotechnology Research Journal, Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2021


Effects of the psychrotrophic bacteria and thermophilic actinomycetes consortium
inoculation on the human faeces composting under cold climate conditions

Do Thi Tuyen, Dang Thi Hong Phuong, Le Van Thang, Nguyen Thi Kim Thanh, Do Thi Thu Hong, Ngo Cao Cuong, Nguyen Thu Hoai, A. E. Balakirev & Le Duc Huan

Biology Bulletin (2022)


Identification of hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial consortium isolated

from the oil-contaminated muddy soil in Hanoi, Vietnam

D. T. Tuyen, N. T. K. Thanh, N. X. B. Khoa, N. C. Cuong

Povolzhskiy Journal of Ecology, 2022, no. 2, pp. 206–215


Genome-wide comparison deciphers lifestyle adaptation and glass biodeterioration property of Curvularia eragrostidis C52

Ngoc Tung Quach, Cao Cuong Ngo, Thu Hoai Nguyen, Phi Long Nguyen, Thi Hanh Nguyen Vu, Thi Hoai Trinh Phan, Quang Huy Nguyen, Thanh Thi Minh Le, Hoang Ha Chu & Quyet Tien Phi

Scientific Reports, 2022 Jul 6;12(1):11411


PCDD/Fs and Dioxin-like PCBs in Chicken Eggs and Soils in Dong Nai Province, Southern Vietnam: Impacts of Raising Methods and Nearby Pollution Sources

Truong Xuan Nghiem, Anh Quoc Hoang, Thang Duc Nguyen, Thu Thi Nguyen, Phien Dinh Tran, Tuan Thanh Nguyen, Minh Binh Tu

Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2022 Jan;108(1):136-144


Virome of Three Termite Species from Southern Vietnam

Alexander G. Litov, Nguyen Van Thinh, Alexander G. Litov, Anna I. Zueva, Alexei V. Tiunov,  Natalia V. Belyaeva, Galina G. Karganova

Viruses, 2022 Apr 21;14(5):860


Two new species of the genus Mongolabis Zacher, 1911 (Dermaptera: Anisolabididae)  from Vietnam

L.N. Anisyutkin, Nguyen Van Thinh, L.N. Anisyutkin

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2022, 326(2): 125–132


Modeling of Film Distillation with Membrane Condenser for Treatment of Reverse Osmosis Concentrate under Vietnam Tropical Conditions

S. V. Makaev, D. O. Kalmykov, G. S. Golubev, I. S. Eremeev, T. L. Hoang, Tr. D. Nguyen & A. V. Volkov

Membranes and Membrane Technologies volume 3, pages365–376 (2021)


The Development of Corrosion Inhibitor Used in the Automotive Coolant

Vu Van Huy, Hoang Duc Quang, Adam Katolik, Nguyen Trong Dan & S. M. Gaidar

Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry volume 94, pages1577–1584 (2021)


Synthesis and properties of 4-((benzotriazol-1-yl)phenyl)methyl)morpholine

Hoang Duc Quang, Le Duc Manh, S.M. Gaidar, V.E. Konoplev, Bui Ngoc Pha, Pham Chien Thang

Chemchemtech, Vol.65 (2), 2022, P.39-49


Vehicle Life when Using Corrosion Inhibitors

M. Yu. Karelina, Hoang Duc Quang, M. Yu. Karelina, S. M. Gaidar, , V. S. Ershov and D. A. Ptitsyn

Russian Engineering Research, Vol. 42 (2), 2022, P. 172–174.


Protection against Atmospheric Corrosion by Means of Coatings Based on a Fluorine-Containing Surfactant

S. Gaidar, Hoang Duc Quang,  M.Yu. Karelina

Key Engineering Materials. Vol. 909, 2022, P. 101-107


Features of the accumulation of macroplastic on the river bottom in the Mekong delta and the impact on fish and decapods

Evgeniia Karpova, Cu Nguyen Dinh, Ernes Abliazov, Svetlana Statkevich

Environmental Pollution, Volume 297, 15 March 2022, 118747


Activity of peptidases and glycosidases of the digestive tract in some species of bony fish of Vietnam

V. V. Kuz’mina, E. E. Slynko, E. A. Kulivatskaya, E. P. Karpova, Dinh Cu Nguyen

Marine Biological Journal, 2022, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 55–64


Distribution of  bacteria, picophytoplankton, and flagellates in the Mekong delta.

D. B. Kosolapov, N. G. Kosolapova, A. I. Tsvetkov & Dinh Nguyen Ku

Biology Bulletin, 2022, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 214–224,


Chemical Constituents of Tectus maximus Koch, 1844

Nguyen Trong Dan, Cu Nguyen Dinh, Truong Ba Hai, Nguyen Dang Hoi, Vu Thi Loan, Le Thi Giang, Dan Thi Thuy Hang, Nguyen Xuan Nhiem, Bui Huu Tai and Phan Van Kiem

Records of Natural Products


Two new sterol sulfates from marine spider conch Lambis Lambis Linnaeus, 1758

Nguyen Trong Dan, Cu Nguyen Dinh, Truong Ba Hai, Nguyen Dang Hoi, Vu Thi Loan, Le Thi Giang, Dan Thi Thuy Hang, Nguyen Xuan Nhiem, Bui Huu Tai and Phan Van Kiem

Natural Product CommunicationsVolume 17, Issue 7, July 2022


Epidemiological and etiological aspects of enterovirus infection in Russia and Vietnam

Romanenkova N.I., Golitsyna L.N., Nguyen T.T., Ponomareva N.V., Leonov A.V., Kanaeva O.I., Zverev V.V., Selivanova S.G., Rozaeva N.R., Luong M.T., Bichurina M.A., Novikova N.A.

Russian Journal of Infection and Immunity; T.11, no5, pp. 905-916



Highly Hydrophobic and Superhydrophobic Coatings Based on Linseed Oil and Copolymers of Glycidyl Methacrylate and (Fluoro)Alkyl Methacrylates for Wood Surfaces

O. V. Kolyaganova, M. O. Duridivko, V. V. Klimov, M. D. Le, V. O. Kharlamov, E. V. Bryuzgin, A. V. Navrotsky & I. A. Novakov

Colloid Journal volume 84, pages416–426 (2022)


137Cs, 40K and 210Po in abiotic components of aquatic ecosystems two

rivers in the Can Gio biosphere reserve, Vietnam

Ilya G. Sidorov, Nguyen Trong Hiep, Ilya G. Sidorov, Nataliya N. Tereshchenko, Andrey A. Korotkov, Olga D. Chuzhikova-Proskurnina,  Aleksandr V. Trapeznikov

Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54 (2022) 4265-4271


A new species of the genus Aeolosoma (Annelida: Aphanoneura: Aeolosomatidae)
with peculiar sigmoid chaetae from fresh waters of Vietnam

Vladimir A. Gusakov, Tran Duc Dien, Nguyen Thi Hai Thanh

Zootaxa 5072 (3): 285–290


The first description of histopathology of Lates calcarifer herpesvirus (LCHV) infection in barramundi (Lates calcarifer)

Mai Dang, Tran Duc Dien, Ut Phan Van, Vo Thi Ha, Vu Viet Dung, Nguyen Trinh Duc Hieu, Viet Cuong Hua, Nguyen Thi Kim Hue, Nguyen Thi Thu Giang, Vu Huu Truong, Ha Thanh Dong

Aquaculture, November 2022, 739091


Acute death in farmed marine fishes caused by sea anemone (Bunodeopsis sp.) in Central Vietnam.

Mai Dang, Hai Thanh T Nguyen, Van Manh Ngo, Tran Duc Dien, Tran Ngoc Thang, Nguyen Thi Phương Thao, Binh Thuy Dang, Ha Thanh Dong

Journal of Fishes Diseases, 2022 Nov; 45(11): 1799-1803.



Epibiotic pedunculate barnacles on the swimming crab Monomia haanii (decapoda, portunidae) from the Nha Trang bay, Vietnam

Le Thi Kieu Oanh, Lien Nguyen Phuong, Ha Vo Thi, Thanh Nguyen Thi Hai, Lishchenko Fedor

Зоологический журнал, 2022, том 101, № 2, с. 1–8


Epitheliocystis in armored catfish (Pterygoplichthys spp.), anabas (Anabas testudineus) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in central Vietnam

Mai Dang, Tran Duc Dien, Vo Thi Ha, Viet Cuong Hua, Nguyen Thi Hai Thanh, Barbara F Nowak

Journal of Fish Diseases, 2022 May; 45(5):755-760


Flora of silica-scaled chrysophytes (Chrysophyceae) of two provinces in Southern Vietnam

Gusev E. V, Tran Duc Dien, E. E. Guseva; & M. S. Kulikovskiy

Inland Water Biology, 2022, Vol.15. No.3, pp.205-216.



Gonad State and Sex Steroid Hormones Concentrations
in Invasive Catfish (Loricariidae) from Vietnam

Tran Duc Dien, Pavlov E.D., Ganzha E.V., Bush A.G.

Journal of Ichthyology, 2022, Vol. 62, No.1, pp. 145–152.


Morphological Plasticity and Biological Patterns of the Climbing
Perch Anabas testudineus from Different Types

Camoilov K. Yu, Tran Duc Dien

Inland Water Biology, 2022, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 217–226



Morphology and Ventilation of the Olfactory Organ in Scissortail Sergeant Abudefduf sexfasciatus (Pomacentridae)

Pashchenko N. I., Le Thi Kieu Oanh, Kasumyan A. O.

Journal of Ichthyology, 2022, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 373–384


Multivalvulidan myxosporeans from marine fishes in Nha Trang Bay, Vietnam, with descriptions of Kudoa igori n. sp. and Kudoa borimiri n. sp. from mullets

Violetta Mikhailovna Yurakhno, Vo Thi Ha

Elena Evgenievna Slynko, Nguyen Ngoc Chinh, Christopher Michael Whipps

Parasitology Research, Published online, 18 August 2022


Survival and Level of Thyroid Hormones and Ions in Armored Catfish (Loricaridae) at Water Salinity

Tran Duc Dien, E. V.Ganzha,

Е. D. Pavlov, К.Yu.Samoilov, and D. S. Pavlov

Journal of Ichthyology, 2022, Vol. 62, No. 6, pp. 1201–1207


Taste attractivity of tropical echinoderms for barramundi Lates calcarifer

Alexander O. Kasumyan, Le Thi Kieu Oanh, Olga M. Isaeva

Aquaculture 553 (2022) 738051


Taste Preferences and Orosensory Feed Testing Behavior in Barramundi Lates calcarifer (Latidae, Perciformes)

Alexander O. Kasumyan, Le Thi Kieu Oanh, Olga M. Isaeva

Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10, 1213


Vexitoxins: conotoxin-like venom peptides from predatory gastropods of the genus Vexillum.

Alexander E. Fedosov, Đinh Thi Hai Yen; Nguyen Thi Hai Thanh, Ksenia G. Kuznetsova1,, Sofia S. Zvonareva, Rustam Ziganshin, Elena S. Mekhova, Polina Dgebuadze, Sergei A. Moshkovskii, Alexander E. Fedosov

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 10 August 2022, Volume 289, Issue 1980


Early Development of Pardachirus pavoninus (Soleidae) from the South China Sea (Central Vietnam) Identified with DNA Barkoding

A. M. Shadrina, Nguyen Thi Hai Thanh, Semenovaa A. V.

Journal of Ichthyology, 2022, Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 129–144


Species diversity and molecular taxonomy of symbiotic crustaceans on Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Vietnam, with remarks on host records and morphological variation

Binh Thuy Dang, Sang Quang Tran, Oanh Thi Truong, Oanh Thi Kieu Le, Quyen Dang Ha Vu

Nauplius, vol 30, e2022027



Electrodeposition of Cu-Reinforced Polyaniline Coating for Protection of AH36 Steel in Natural Seawater

Nguyen Van Chi, Le Hong Quan, Cao Nhat Linh, Nong Quoc Quang, Nguyen Duc Anh, Dong Van Kien and Nguyen Van Hoa

Coatings, 2022, 12  (11), 1680


Detection of chlorine ions on the surface of reinforcement steels after contact with the model environment by mass spectrometry

Cao Nhat Linh, Nguyen Van Chi, Le Hong Quan, Nong Quoc Quang, Nguyen Duc Anh, Dong Van Kien , A.N. Zyablov, I.V. Minenkova

Russian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 2022, V. 65, N6, P. 6-11


Progress in Sensors for Monitoring Reinforcement Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Structures. A Review

Dmitry Shevtsov, Nhat Linh Cao, Van Chi Nguyen, Quoc Quang Nong, Hong Quan Le, Duc Anh Nguyen, Ilya Zartsyn, Oleg Kozaderov

SENSORS, 2022, V. 22, 3421



Evaluation of the efficiency of the secondary corrosion protection of steel reinforcement bars in concrete using a bimetallic batch sensor.

D.S. Shevtsov, N.L. Cao, I.D. Zartsyn, V.C. Nguyen, Q.Q. Nong, H.Q. Le, D.A. Nguyen, E.S. Komarova, D.A. Zhikhareva, O.A. Kozaderov and A.T. Nguyen

Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., 2022, 11, no. 3, 1228-1237


Study of the color characteristics of organosilicate coatings with various pigments under a tropical marine climate. 

Krasil’nikova L.N., Nguyen Van Chi, Makarova Y.N., Mikhalev V.A., Shilova O.A.

Glass Phys Chem. 2021. 47, 671–675.


Polysiloxane Coatings Biodeterioration in Nature and laboratory.

Maxim Danilaev, Le Hong Quan, Galina Yakovleva, Sergey Karandasho, Vladimir Kuklin, William Kurdy and Olga Ilinskaya

Microorganisms, 2022, 10(8), 1597


More about the biodiversity of parasites in Vietnam: a first report of microsporidia (opistosporidia, microsporidia) in coral fish

H Vo, F Butaeva and V Yurakhno

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 937, pp 022067


Coral reef collapse in South‑Central Vietnam: a consequence of multiple negative effects

Konstantin S. Tkachenko, Vu V. Dung, Vo T. Ha & Nguyen H. Huan

Aquatic Ecology (2022)


Field tests of the efficiency of a mixture of octadecylamine and benzotriazole in the chamber protection of metals in the tropics

A.Yu. Luchkin, O.A. Goncharova, S.S. Vesely, T.T. Trang, D.D. Trung, P.N. Tu, M.V. Minh, C.N. Linh, N.V. Thang, S.G. Gubin, S.V. Bel’skii, I.K. Bel’skaya, N.N. Andreev and V.A. Karpov

Int. J. Corros. Scale Inhib., 2022, 11, no. 4, 1668-1678


Preparation of PEO/Polymer coatings on aluminum alloy with antifouling properties U. Kharchenko, I. Beleneva, V. Egorkin, I. Vyalyi, N. Izotov, A. Tsvetnikov, A. Karpenko, Chi Van Nguyen

Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, November 2022, Volume 19, Issue 6.


Survival and Level of Thyroid Hormones and Ions in Armored Catfish (Loricaridae) at Water Salinity Tran Duc Dien, Ganzha, E.V., Pavlov, E.D. et al.

Journal of Ichthyology, 2022, Vol. 62, No. 6, pp. 1201–1207

79.  The first description of histopathology of Lates calcarifer herpesvirus (LCHV) infection in barramundi (Lates calcarifer) Mai Dang, Tran Duc Dien, et al.

Aquaculture, Volume 565, 25 February 2023, 739091

80.  Chemical Constituents of Tectus maximus Koch, 1844 Nguyen Trong Dan, Le Thi Giang, Cu Nguyen Dinh, Truong Ba Hai, Nguyen Dang Hoi, Vu Thi Loan, Dan Thi Thuy Hang, Nguyen Xuan Nhiem, Bui Huu Tai, and Phan Van Kiem

Records of Natural Products

81.  PCDD/Fs and Dioxin-like PCBs in Chicken Eggs and Soils in Dong Nai Province, Southern Vietnam: Impacts of Raising Methods and Nearby Pollution Sources Nghiem Xuan Truong, Hoang Anh Quoc, Nguyen Duc Thang, Nguyen Thi Thu, Tran Dinh Phien, Nguyen Thanh Tuan, Tu Binh Minh.

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology volume 108, pages136–144 (2022)

82. Seasonality of energy and water fluxes in a tropical moist forest in Vietnam Olga A. Kuricheva, Vitaly K. Avilov, Duy B. Dinh, et al.

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2021,
Vol 298–299, pp 108268


Publications in other international journals


Evaluate Effectiveness of Hubbard Purification Rundown Process for Victims of Dioxin/Agent Orange and Related Strengths, Challenges.

Hoang Duc Hau, Tran Ngọc Tam

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Research, 2022, Volume 6, Issue 3


Publications in VAK journals


Влияние ингредиентов на старение резин под действием озона и атмосферных факторов.

Bochkarev E. S., Dang Minh Thuy, Phan Ngoc Tu, Tuzhikov O. O., Vaniev M. A., Buravov B. A., Gubin S. G., Novakov I. A.

Известия ВолгГТУ № 5 (264)


Структура и устойчивость люминесцентных гибридных материалов на основе CaF2 и 8-оксихинолята в условиях тропического климата.

Рунина К.И., Попкова Л.В., Аветисов Р.И., Петрова О.Б., До Динь Чунг, Та Тху Чанг, Нгуен Ван Лыонг

Успехи в химии и химической технологии. ТОМ XXXVI, 2022. № 7./ ст. 125-128./ ISSN 1506-2017


Gigantopithecus blacki (primates, ponginae) из пещеры Лангчанг (северный Вьетнам): последние гигантопитеки в позднем плейстоцене?

А. В. Лопатин, Е. Н. Мащенко, Ле Суан Дак



Пещера Лангчанг в северном Вьетнаме – местонахождение плейстоценовых млекопитающих с Gigantopithecus

А. В. Лопатин, И. В. Головачев, Н. В. Сердюк, Е. Н. Мащенко, И. А. Вислобокова, Ле Суан Дак, Фам Май Фуонг, П. Ю. Пархаев, Е. В. Сыромятникова

Доклады Российской академии наук. Науки о Земле, 2022, T. 504, № 2, стр. 168-176


Двановыхдля науки вида свободноживущихнематод (Nematoda, Monhysterida) из устья реки Меконг, Вьетнам.

В. Г. Гагарин, В. А. Гусаков, Ку Нгуен Динь

Амурский зоологический
журнал, т. XIII, № 4, с. 536–549


Geomonhystera longisoma sp. nov. и Mongolotheristus tsalolichini sp. nov. (Nematoda, Monhysterida) из устья реки Меконг, Вьетнам

В. Г. Гагарин, В. А. Гусаков, Ку Нгуен Динь

Амурский зоологический журнал, 2022, т. XIV, No 2, 212-223


Распространение азоттрансформирующих бактерий

в искусственном водоеме с высшими водными растениями

Нгуен Ван Тхань Нам, Лыонг Тхи Мо, Наталья Юрьевна Юдина, Ольга Николаевна Понаморева, Сергей Валерьевич Алферов, Чан Нгок Линь Чи, Нгуен Тхи Зунг, Фунг Тхи Ми Зуен, Во Тхань Нгиа

Известия вузов. Прикладная химия и биотехнология


Органическое вещество донных наносов рек Кагау

и Лонгтау в биосферном заповеднике Канзё (Вьетнам)

Е.А. Тихонова, Нгуен Чонг Хиеп, О. В. Соловьёва

Экологическая безопасность прибрежной и шельфовой зон моря, 2022,  Номер: 3, Страницы: 117-127


Пространственная структура рыбного населения дельты
Меконга — индикатор проникновения морских вод вглубь

Малина И. П., Малин М. И., Чыонг Ба Хай, Ку Нгуен Динь, Ле Куанг Ман, Зыонг Тхи Ким Чи

Изучение водных и наземных экосистем: история и современность
II Международная научно­практическая конференция
Тезисы докладов
5–9 сентября 2022 г.
Севастополь, Российская Федерация


Исследование эффективности противокоррозионной защиты конструкционной стали ан-36 при катодной поляризации в тропической морской воде

Нонг Куок Куонг, Нгуен Ван Чи, Онг Ван Киен, Ле Хонг Куан, Цао Нхот Линь, Н. Л. Филичев, Д. С. Микуров, Н. Г. Ануфриев

Практика противокоррозионной защиты. 27(1). P.7-16



Оценка применимости экстракта из отходов производства

кокосового волокна в качестве ингибитора коррозии

стальной арматуры в бетоне

Као Ньят Линь, Шевцов Дмитрий Сергеевич, Нгуен Ван Чи, Нонг Куок Куанг, Мачнев Дмитрий Александрович, Зарцын Илья Давидович, Козадеров Олег Александрович, Зяблов Александр Николаевич

Бутлеровские сообщения. 2022. Т.72. №11