Tropical ecology and environment

Initial findings of the research on domestic dogs in some north and north central provinces of Vietnam

Initial findings of the research on domestic dogs in some north and north central provinces of Vietnam


Domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) belong to the carnivorous order (Carnivora), mammal class (Mammalia). They are of the animals domesticated by humans very early. According to Dawin, domestic dogs have a multi-ancestral origin, which means that they may have descended from wolves, jackals, and some other carnivores. However, with the help of modern molecular genetic techniques, it has been shown that domestic dogs have only one ancestor, the wolf, one of the closest species in the taxonomy.

Feasibility of professional training of short-tailed H'mong and Wolf-like dogs

Feasibility of professional training of short-tailed H'mong and Wolf-like dogs


In Vietnam, the professional dog breeding has started and operated since 1954 of the twentieth century with the establishment of two large training centers, School 24 (Ministry of Defense) and Center C32 (Ministry of Public Security).

Initial results of research on biological characteristics of short-tailed H'mong dog breed of Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center

Initial results of research on biological characteristics of short-tailed H'mong dog breed of Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center


Since the ancient times, the H’mong people have used dogs for hunting and house keeping. Today, under the development of society and laws that prohibit wild animal hunting, the role of dogs is narrowed.

Bird species endemic to Vietnam distributed in Bidoup Nui Ba National Park

Bird species endemic to Vietnam distributed in Bidoup Nui Ba National Park


The bird, of the Passeriformes order, Leithrichidae family has scientific name Garrulax annamensis  (Robinson & Kloss, 1919). It is medium-sized with an average length of about 25–27 cm. Regarding distinguishing features

First record of Eulimids on brittle stars from Spratly islands of Vietnam

First record of Eulimids on brittle stars from Spratly islands of Vietnam


The Eulimidae is a diverse group of symbiotic gastropods, most of which appear in tropical waters, but have not been fully studied. Worldwide, this family includes about 1,500 species, mostly known in symbiotic associations with all living classes of echinoderms.

Using fish blood as a bio-indicator to examine their response to environmental conditions

Using fish blood as a bio-indicator to examine their response to environmental conditions


The speed of urbanization and industrialization in areas near the sea is always proportional to the pressure on the environment. Untreated waste from factories in industrial zones becomes the main source of pollution to natural water, including aquaculture water systems. Heavy metal or toxic chemical pollution is the major threat to aquatic life, including fish

Genetic structure in natural populations of Dacrydium elatum in the Central Highlands of Vietnam inferred by microsatellite molecular marker (SSR)

Genetic structure in natural populations of Dacrydium elatum in the Central Highlands of Vietnam inferred by microsatellite molecular marker (SSR)


Assessment of genetic diversity and structure among populations and within species is important for genetic conservation and plant breeding programs. Genetic diversity is also important for a species' adaptability for long-term survival  and adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

Broad-billed birds (Eurylaimidae) of Vietnam

Broad-billed birds (Eurylaimidae) of Vietnam


The broad-billed bird family (Eurylaimidae) includes species in the Passeriformes order distributed mainly in evergreen and semi-evergreen forest habitats in tropical Southeast Asia and some species in Africa.