Dioxin analysis laboratory

Head of Laboratory: Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tuan

During recent years, the Dioxin Analysis Laboratory participated deeply in monitoring, analyzing Agent Orange/ Dioxin, Dioxin-like Policlobiphenyl (dl-PCB), other toxic chemicals originated from the War and found these compounds from industrial and population’s activities. Besides, being well-aware of its responsibilities, the Dioxin Analysis Laboratory always overcomes difficulties and makes every effort to build a solid base of expertise, synchronous equipment, is the pioneer in the field of dioxin/furan monitoring and analysis in Vietnam at present. The Department currently has 7 cadres (01 Doctor, 5 Master and 1 Bachelor).


- Do research, develop and apply modern analytical technology for research and treatment of dioxin residues in the environment, food and biology.

- Do research and assess the level of dioxin/furan, dl-PCB pollution to the environment and solutions for environmental treatment.

- Do research to contribute to clarify some academic issues in dioxin/furan analysis in environmental and biological samples.

- Propose, preside and participate in the implementation of scientific and technological tasks at all levels according to the functions and tasks of the Center. Provide training in monitoring and analysis skills.


The Dioxin Analysis Laboratory is fully equipped with materials and equipment from sampling, sample preservation, sample analysis; solvents, chemicals, standard substances for monitoring and analysis of Orange Agent/dioxin, and other toxic chemicals with the war origin as well as from industrial and civilian activities in Vietnam today.

- Clean laboratory system with positive pressure, gas treatment system, wastewater treatment meets national technical standards.

- Synchronous field monitoring and sampling equipment meet domestic and international standards: Dust and exhaust gas sampling device, isokinetic A-2000(USA,) Isostack G4 (Italy); equipment for measuring and analyzing emissions of group 4 standards: Testo 350 (Germany); ambient air sampling device with high flow Kimoto (Japan), Tisch (USA) monitoring groups of dioxin/furan, dl_PCB, total dust (TSP), fine dust PM2.5, PM10; Tisch passive gas monitoring and sampling instrument (USA); Soil sampler Eijkelkamp (Netherlands); KC gravity tube sampler (Denmark); Eijkelkamp column sediment sampler (Netherlands); Wilco water sampler (USA); and sampling devices by depth.

- Sample preservation and sample preparation equipment: system of refrigerators, deep refrigerators to preserve biological samples (Japan); Soxlet sample extraction system (Germany); automatic sample cleaning system FMS (USA); vacuum storage system Buchi (Switzerland); analytical balance 10-5g Mettler Toledo (Switzerland); shaker, homogenizer, homogenizer IKA (Germany), cold centrifuge and automatic concentrator.

- System of standard substances, laboratory chemicals of Sigma aldrich, Supelco, Merck, CIL, Wellington, etc.

- Analytical equipment: High Resolution Gas Chromatography/High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (HRGC/HRMS), including a DFS/Thermo Scientific system (Germany) and 02 Autospect Premier/Micromass Waters systems (UK-US), 01 Liquid Chromatograph Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS/MS) Thermo Scientific (Germany), meeting the analysis of dioxin/furan, dl-PCB in biological and environmental samples according to standard methods of the US, Europe, and Japan.

Dioxin/furan analysis on High Resolution Gas Chromatography/High Resolution Mass Spectrometer DFS


Some achievements

   - The Laboratory has presided and participated in the implementation of over 50 topics, tasks and projects at all levels: 04 topics of Coordination Committee about Vietnam- Russia Tropical Center, 10 projects and programs from Ministry of National Defense about research and overcome consequences of chemical war in military zones; 12 topics at government level which belongs to the program of research and overcome consequences of chemical war by America in Vietnam; and 05 international projects deployed by UNDP, UNEP, USAID and some tasks from other departments.

- Successfully develop methods for monitoring and analyzing dioxin/furan, dl-PCB in environmental and biological samples.

- Be recognized with Certificate of ISO 17025:2017 (VILAS 856); Certificates of recognition the eligibility for environmental monitoring activities (VIMCERTS 256), with over 170 environmental parameters of soil/sediment, solid waste, air, emissions and water.

- The Laboratory has participated in monitoring and analyzing dioxin/AO residues in projects Z1, Z2, Z3, Z9/Ministry of Defense. Monitor dioxin/furan and some toxic chemicals, analyze quality of soil, sediment, surface water, underground water, sewage and air during the progress of toxic removal at Da Nang Airport and dioxin contaminated landfill areas at Bien Hoa, Phu Cat Airport in order to give timely warnings and suggestions to reduce the dispersal of dioxin and other toxic chemicals in the environment.

-  Carry out main task of analyzing dioxin/ furan in environmental and biological samples. It belongs to the topics at government level, Program 33 about researching, setting up demonstrations of chemical war historical places, evaluating the persistence of dioxin in the environment, proposing recommendations for the period of 2005-2010, 2010-2015 and other projects, tasks, science technology contracts.

- Participate in monitoring, analyzing and assessing dioxin/furan emissions and other toxic chemicals emitted from industrial and civil activities in Vietnam at present, such as manufacturing, recycling metals, thermal power, cement, burning wastes (medical, industrial, domestic waste, etc.)

- Number of declared scientific articles: from the research results, it has publicized 50 articles on prestigious journals under SCI, SCI-E lists, domestic journals and at international scientific seminars at home and abroad.

Rewards: Determining-to-win Unit in 2019, 2020.


    In addition to cooperating with domestic agencies, organizations, research institutes and universities, international cooperation is always considered an important development strategy of the unit. The Laboratory constantly promotes, consolidates and expands international cooperation relations with training institutions, research institutes and organizations in many countries around the world, such as the United States, Canada, and Russia, thereby giving the staff many opportunities to expand their knowledge and experience in the world's advanced learning and research environment.

- Domestic and international cooperation (USAID, UNEP, UNDP, Shimidzu), etc. in science and technology, analysis and environmental monitoring when implementing projects to treat dioxin contaminated environment in Vietnam.

- Scientific and industrial services: Give consultancy, develop activities of monitoring, analyzing, testing, assessing environmental impacts, handle toxic substances to protect the environment and health of dioxins and toxic substances in accordance with the needs of society.

- Cooperate to improve analytical capacity with international interlaboratory organizations Intercal AB, Sweden; InterCinD, Italy.

- Implement research cooperation with the Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences to standardize the analysis method of some toxic organic substances that are difficult to decompose by modern analytical methods.

The Dioxin Analysis Laboratory is always ready to cooperate with scientific research units at home and abroad in accordance with the functions and tasks of the unit.