Laboratory of Terrestrial Ecology

Head of Laboratory: Dr. Le Xuan Dac

The Laboratory of Terrestrial Ecology is a research unit under the Institute of Tropical Ecology and was established the earliest of the institutes. The Laboratory has conducted research and surveys on forest ecosystems in dozens of Nature Reserves and National Parks of Vietnam and has made meaningful contributions to conservation, restoration and use of use plants and animals.   


- Researching on biodiversity, structure and function organization of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

- Proposing solutions and technologies to control and restore the polluted environment and restore natural ecosystems.

- Survey, assessment and inventory of biodiversity for national parks and protected areas.

- Researching on the use of animals, plants and their preparations for national defense and economic purposes.

Training domestic dogs to be disciplineble and detect explosive vapor sources


The laboratory of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Ecology is equipped with many modern equipment including: Molecular biology equipment system (PCR machine, centrifuge, vertical and horizontal electrophoresis machine, scanner and gel electrophoresis camera…); the system of farms of raising, taming, breeding and training native dogs for national defense and people's livelihood; field survey equipment such as tree height gauges, camera traps, detectors and many others.


 - Applying genetic technology in breeding and training 12 indigenous H'mong bobtail dogs to detect drugs received and put into practical use by the Center for Animal Management, Training and Use/Ministry of Public Security.

 - Researching and training 10 native Dangsoi (wolf-type) dogs to search and detect landmines left after the war in Vietnam to meet the standards of professional dogs of Intermediate 24/Border Guard Command.

 - In the field of research on fauna and flora, it has provided a lot of data on biodiversity, ecological characteristics for the management and protection of forest ecosystems in National Parks, Nature Reserves of Vietnam.

  - Researching the scientific basis and proposing solutions to regenerate and restore vegetation under human impacts.


- Research cooperation in the field of biodiversity and tropical forest ecology to publish results in prestigious international journals.

- Biodiversity survey, assessment and inventory for National Parks and Protected Areas.

- Consulting solutions for rational use of biological resources, solutions and technologies to control and restore the polluted environment and natural ecosystems.