
Handover of the mobile laboratory vehicle


Implementing the scientific cooperation and training program in the field of plague monitoring research in Vietnam, on May 21st, 2019, Vietnam - Russia Tropical Center (Hanoi) solemnly held the ceremony for handover of the mobile laboratory vehicle sponsored by Russian Federal Agency for Supervision and Protection of Consumer Rights and Social Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor), Microbe Plague Prevention and Control Research Institute, and Volgagrad Plague Prevention and Control Research Institute/Russian Federation.

Attending the ceremony, on the Russian side, were Mr. Vadim Bublikov - Counselor of the Embassy of the Russian Federation, Mr. Sergey Tanakov - Counselor of the Embassy of the Russian Federation to Vietnam, experts from the Microb Research Institute, and representatives from Russian Cultural Center, Russian Trade Agency, Russian News Agency, and Kamaz’s Business Representative in Vietnam; and on the Vietnamese side, were representatives of: Department of Military Science/Ministry of Defense, Department of Military Medicine/General Department of Military Logistics, Department of Preventive Medicine/Ministry of Health, Hanoi Center for Disease Control, Military Institute of Preventive Medicine, Board of General Directors of Vietnam - Russia Tropical Center, and heads of agencies and units at the main base of Vietnam - Russia Tropical Center.

The Rospotrebnazor’s Plague prevention and control research institutes and Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center have a very special relationship. Since the 80s of the last century, Microbe Institute has worked with the Center to conduct researches on the plague in Vietnam. To strengthen the capacity of Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center and the research capacity of especially dangerous infectious diseases in compliance with all biosafety requirements in 2018, the Russian Federal Agency for Supervision and Protection of Consumer Rights and Social Welfare provided a mobile laboratory for monitoring and diagnosing infectious diseases on off-road truck KAMAZ 43118.

The Mobile laboratory is used to quickly respond to outbreaks of dangerous infectious diseases. In addition, they can also be used to support fixed laboratories and operate as independent units when carrying out activities to ensure hygiene and epidemiology for the population in the event of a dangerous pandemic outbreaks or during various public events. It can also be used to monitor outbreaks of dangerous infectious diseases including transnational zoonotic diseases. A Labor vehicle complex can ensure biosafety requirements and its operation follows a "closed" cycle: from the introduction of samples to the processing after analysis. With the use of modern laboratory equipment on the vehicle, it is possible to conduct testing of clinical, biological, and environmental samples by bacteriology, Elisa method, immunochromatography, and fluorescent immunoassay.

The cooperation between the Russian Federation and Vietnam in the research and control of infectious diseases not only increases the potentials of Vietnam in combating urgent threats in the field of hygiene and human epidemiology but also promptly responding to the outbreaks of dangerous infectious diseases. In recent years, Vietnam has been identified as one of the hotspots for the risks of infectious diseases, including zoonotic diseases. The operation of mobile laboratory vehicles will strengthen capacity and respond quickly and proactively in research and prevention of epidemics in Vietnam. In the process of exploitation and use, Vietnam - Russia Tropical Center will closely coordinate with research institutes of the Russian Federation and agencies inside and outside the Army in maximizing the use efficiency of the mobile laboratory vehicle.