
Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center assists HCMC’s testing efforts


Earlier, upon receiving an order from the Ministry of National Defense, the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center sent its mobile laboratory and personnel from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City to assist the southern hub’s COVID-19 testing efforts. At 9:30pm on July 9, the mobile labo and its staff arrived at the center’s southern branch safely and started making preparations for testing. 

This laboratory is the most modern mobile testing vehicle in Vietnam and is sponsored by the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor). The vehicle is equipped with Realtime PCR equipment and other modern equipment for detecting the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It can process about 400 samples a day.

The Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center's personnel testing samples on the mobile laboratory

Previously, the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center sent a 25-staff team from the Institute of Tropical Medicine and its southern branch and testing equipment to assist Ho Chi Minh City in COVID-19 testing. As a result, since July 5, the team has tested 3,000 pooled samples to help the city’s Center for Disease Prevention and Control issue timely prevention and control measures.

As reported, the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Center's mobile laboratory and its available testing facilities in the southern branch are expected to raise Ho Chi Minh City’s testing capability to 1,200 samples a day, thus helping the city respond to the pandemic in a quick and timely manner.