
Scientific conference "Science and technology of tropical materials - From basic research to application" towards the 35th Anniversary of Vietnam - Russia Tropical Center


On the morning of January 6th, 2023, in Hanoi, the Joint Vietnam - Russia Tropical Science and Technology Research Center (VRTC) successfully organized the scientific conference "Science and technology of tropical materials - From basic research to application". This is one of the events within the framework of science and technology activities towards the 35th Anniversary of VRTC (March 7th, 1988 - March 7th, 2023).  Major General, Dr. Dang Hong Trien, General Director of VRTC and Dr. Alexey Andreevich Svitich, Deputy General Director of the Russian Side of VRTC co-chaired the conference.

Major General, Dr. Dang Hong Trien, General Director of VRTC and Dr. Alexey Andreevich Svitich, Deputy General Director of the Russian Side of VRTC co-chaired the conference.

Attending the conference were the Board of General Directors of VRTC; delegates from science and technology organizations of Vietnam and Russia; representatives of organizations inside and outside the military; leaders of organizations, and scientists of VRTC.

Major General, Dr. Dang Hong Trien inaugurating the conference.

Inaugurating the conference, Major General, Dr. Dang Hong Trien, General Director of VRTC stated that: The Center is the only bilateral model of science and technology cooperation between Vietnam and the Russian Federation, holding a special position in the traditional friendship between the two governments.

An overview of the conferrence.

Over nearly 35 years of construction and development, VRTC has overcome difficulties and challenges, becoming a prestigious multidisciplinary tropical scientific and technological research organization in Vietnam and Russia; actively contributing to the development of science and technology, socio-economics, national defense and security of the two countries, contributing to the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership of the two countries.

The Center focuses on 3 main directions: Tropical Durability (Tropical Materials), Tropical Biomedicine, and Tropical Ecology. In particular, the Tropical Durability is the main research direction of the Center, directly serving military-defense missions. During the past 35 years, many products and technologies developed by the Center on the direction have been practically tested and successfully applied into the technical assurance and training and combat readiness of the military, he added.

He addressed that: This research direction has also received much attention from Russia, with the participation of leading experts from more than 30 scientific organizations, including many Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

On this occasion, on behalf of the Center, Major General Dang Hong Trien expressed his thanks and gratitude to the organizations, agencies, and scientists of Vietnam and Russia for their great support and cooperation with the Center in implementing scientific tasks. He also expected that VRTC and the partners will maintain this firm cooperation and support in the time to come.

He believed that this conference is an opportunity to exchange information and enhance cooperation possibilities between VRTC and different organizations on scientific and technological activities and product development in the direction of Tropical materials.

Dr. Alexey Andreevich Svitich at the event.

In the plenary session and 02 thematic sessions, delegates heard nearly 20 scientific reports and discussed the outstanding results in recent years of the Center in the direction of Tropical Materials such as (1)Testing and assessing the durability of materials, details and assemblies under the impacts of tropical climatic factors; propose suitable protection and exploitation solutions; (2) Researching, manufacturing and applying types of preservation materials, methods, and means to protect weapons and technical equipment in storing, preserving, exploiting and using process in the tropical climatic conditions of Vietnam; (3) Researching and successfully developing tropicalization technology to improve the durability and reliability of technical weapons and equipment; (4) Researching and developing specific materials for the training and combat readiness; (5) Researching and adjusting some methods and standards; and transferring technology from Russia to Vietnam.

Colonel, Dr. Vuong Van Truong, Head of the Institute of Tropical durability reporting at the conference.

The conference received the participation of nearly 200 delegates who are researchers, managers from different research organizations, universities inside and outside the military, and research institutions from the Russian Federation in the fields of researching, manufacturing, and assessing the durability of materials.

A reporter at the event.

The conference's success has encouraged further collaboration between VRTC and research organizations in the two nations in terms of technology transfer and scientific research.

A delegate discussing at the event.

Also on this occasion, the Center published 01 special issue of the Journal of Tropical Science and Technology, and cooperated with the General Department of Engineering to publish 01 special issue of Journal of Engineering and Equipment with more than 40 articles subjecting to the theme of the conference.

Nguyen Xuan Ngoc